Beat The Plastic Pollution World Environment Day 2018 Theme Poem

Beat The Plastic Pollution
By-Yukty Vaishnavi Desai Class-5B
JVM Panchtantra School UltraTech Cement Baga Cement Works Arki Solan Himachal Pradesh

Oh! plastic you have made a hell out of my Earth
your fine granules in the fish of the water bodies
spoiling their life and spoiling human body.
Oh! plastic you have made a hell out of my Earth
the garbage filled with you our cattle
Frequently choose their stomach filled with indigestible balls
the feeding make them perished at all.
Oh! plastic you have made a hell out of my Earth
blocking the canals, choking the drains
your sooty flames are toxic to brain.
Oh! plastic you have made a hell out of my Earth
come on my friends join our hands
to beat the plastic pollution trends.
to sustain your nature with future generations
find the eco-friendly intelligent substitution.

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