Following videos are prepared from standard medical TEXTBOOKS of latest edition available in 2024. Transcripts are given below for every video . Hope this would enable readers to quickly revise the high yielding facts of the topic. Cheers !
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1.Labor LaborWhat is labor ?Labor is defined as the series of events that takes place in the genital organs in order to expel the viable products of conception like placenta , membranes and fetus to the outer world through the vaginaWhat are the Criteria for normal labor ? also called Eutociaspontaneous in onset at term , vertex presentation, no prolongation .Any kind of deviation that happens from normal labor is called abnormal laborWhat is true labor pain ?True labor pain is when the intensity , duration and frequency of the uterine contraction increases with the time of pregnancy .What are […]
2. Non Stress Test
2.Non Stress Test Non stress Test or NSTWhat do we mean by that ?Non stress test is done during pregnancy or the third trimester in pregnant women .To check the fetal heart rate or the fetal well-being or the o2 supply in the fetus ,It is usually done for 20 to 30 mins of duration , it can be done more than twice a week .Non stress test can be divided into two types :One is reactive non stress test and the other one is non reactive non stress test .In reactive non stress test there will be acceleration for […]
3.Pre Eclampsia
3. Pre Eclampsia Pre EclampsiaWhat is pre Eclampsia?Pre Eclampsia is basically hypertension which is caused during the Gravid state,It is basically a pregnancy induced hypertension .Pre Eclampsia can be defined as a as a development of hypertension to an extent of 140/80 mm Hg or more with proteinuria induced by pregnancy after 20 weeks because we know that the normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, now coming to the causes of a etiology, what are they ?.The first one is deficiency of vasodilator which is prostaglandin i2. The second one is increased synthesis of vasoconstrictor which is thromboxane A2.the […]
4.Stages of Labor
4. Stages Of labor Today we will be discussing about the stages of Labor. There are four stages: first stage, second stage, third stage and the fourth stage.First stage : it starts with the onset of true labor pain and ends with the full dilation of cervix. It is also known as the cervical stage of labor. Its average duration is 12 hours in case of primigravida and 10 hours in multipara according to world health organization.second stage : it starts with a full dilation of service and ends with the expulsion of fetus from birth canal . It is […]
5. Eclampsia Eclampsia, what is eclampsia ?Pre-eclampsia when complicated with convulsions and comas is called Eclampsia . Coming to the onset of convulsions , antepartum: fits occur before the onset of labor, and it has 50% of chancesIntrapartum fits occur during labour and it has 30% of chancesPostpartum fits within the first 48 hours of Delivery during purpureum and the chance here is 20%Coming to the stage of eclamptic convulsions we have four stages : pre monitory , tonic , clonic and stage of coma . Now let us discuss about the first stage which is premonitory stage.In premonitory stage, […]
6. Caesarean Section
6. Caesarean Section Hi friends so today we will be discussing caesarean section and it’s types , what do we mean by caesarean section ?Cesarean section is the delivery of the fetus by the incision on the abdominal wall, which is laparotomy and then the incision on the uterine wall which is hysterectomy, so the incidence of the caesarean section is increasing and why is that? :The first one is increased safety of the operation because caesarean section is much more safe in order to prevent various complications , the second one is detect high-risk pregnancy early , the third […]
8.Parkinson’s Disease
8. Parkinson’s Disease Hi guys, so today we will be discussing about the Parkinson’s disease . What is Parkinson’s disease, Parkinson’s disease is a clinical syndrome which is characterized primarily by Bradykinesia along with increased rigidity , tremors and loss of postural cycles . The average age of onset is about 60 years . Fewer than 5% of the patients are below each 40.Genetic factors can be recognized . Monogenic Parkinson’s disease can be observed during mutations in SNCA.Now what are the clinical features of Parkinson’s disease?Reduction in sense of smell which is also called hyposmia, Anxiety , depression, sleep […]
9.Development of Follicles in Ovary
9. Development of Follicles in Ovary Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the size of the ovary a little bit followed by development of the follicles in detail . So what is the size of the ovary , it’s 3 X 3.5 X 2.5 to 5 cm and the volume of the ovary is length X breadth X width and the shape is the prolate ellipsoid. > 10 mm 3 is a large volume ovary which is seen in the condition of PCOS. Now let us know about the […]
10. Dysmenorrhea
10. Dysmenorrhea Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video about Dysmenorrhea, so what is Dysmenorrhea ?Dysmenorrhea is the pain during periods , it starts half an hour prior to the onset of periods . It stays 10 hours post onset , it is also the classical pain of the periods . This is also called spasmodic or primary dysmenorrhea . Now let us know about the secondary dysmenorrhea , this pain starts three to four days prior and remains throughout the cycle . This is also known as congestive dysmenorrhea and it is secondary to […]
11.Female Genital Organs
11. Female Genital Organs Hi guys , I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the female reproductive organ in a little bit more detail . So the first one is the external genitalia . So it has vulva , the parts of vulva are : clitoris , labia majora and the labia minora. adjacent organs to vulva are urethral opening , vaginal opening and the Anus.Now let us understand the uterus in the coronal section , the uterine length also called the body or the corpus , the length is 7 to […]
12. Ovulation
12 . Ovulation Hi guys , so I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about ovulation. So what is the life of the oocyte , the life of the oocyte is from 24 to 48 hours , after fertilization the embryo survives and reaches the uterine cavity on day 3 to 4. There are 8 cells on day three and 16 cells on day 4. The embryo implants as earliest on day six to ten days of ovulation on the juicy secretory endometrium . In terms of menstrual cycle the ovulation is on […]
13. Oocyte and Follicle Count
13. Oocyte and Follicle Count Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will understand the count of follicles utilized in the 36 years of menstrual life followed by the formation of oocyte a little bit more, so let us continue with the video 3,60,000 follicles are utilized in 30 years of menstrual life and how is that ? Because 1000 follies are recruited per month, so in 12 months a year 12000 follicle are recruited , so in 30 years 3,60,000 follicles are utilized. Therefore in 36 years of menstrual life 3612,000= 4,32,000 follicles […]
14. Ovarian Reserve
14. Ovarian Reserve Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will understand or take a look into the ovarian reserve.Let us look into the capacity to conceive , the capacity to conceive is good in young women , the capacity to conceive is poor in old women . Around 35 years the ovarian reserve is good, but the best time for pregnancy is 20 to 25 years, the good time of pregnancy is 25 to 35 years but greater than 35 years of age the quality of the egg is average . Above 35 […]
15. In Vitro Fertilization
15. In Vitro Fertilization Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will understand the invitro fertilization and it’s process, so without any further ado let’s jump into the video , so in the process of invitro fertilization the injections of FSH are given in a higher dose that is 15 times than the normal , so that more number of follicles are recruited and more number of eggs can be produced . So we can see that total 7 to 8 numbers of follicles are recruited in each ovary which causes more production of […]
16. Vomiting in Pregnancy
16. Vomiting In Pregnancy Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the vomiting in pregnancies , so vomiting in pregnancies is a very common in a pregnant lady ; it is also called morning sickness and it can happen at any time in a day. It starts from the onset of pregnancy until 16 weeks, it usually subsides . What are the causes of vomiting in pregnancy ?Higher level of HCGHigher level of estrogenHigher level of progesteroneThyroxineProlactin and placental growth hormoneNow let us understand the hyperemesis gravidarum, it is a […]
17. Emergency Contraception
17. Emergency Contraception Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will talk about the emergency contraceptive .Now what is emergency contraceptive?Emergency contraceptive is the contraception which is given within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse .Implantation of the embryo takes places within the 6th day after intercourse . So abortion is not preferred in this case because it is too early . Abortion is not a method of emergency contraception .Now let us talk about the most proffered drug , most preferred drug is levonorgestrel which contains progesterone and the brand name is I pill. […]
18. Asherman Syndrome
18. Asherman Syndrome Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will discuss about the Asherman syndrome . What is Asherman syndrome? It is the condition in which the uterine lining has been destroyed to such an extent that the menstruation has stopped , also called secondary amenorrhea due to endometrial destruction. The absence of menses is due to unknown Etiology and due to endometrial destruction. Now let us come to know about the Etiology : the first Etiology is Endometrial tuberculosis and the second one is overzealous curettage , Endometrial tuberculosis causes tubercular endometritis […]
19. Adenomyosis
19. Adenomyosis Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will discuss about the Adenomyosis , now what is Adenomyosis ? Adenomyosis is seen in multiparous women above 40 years of age and in about 30 percent of hysterectomy specimens. It occurs due to destruction of endometrial , myometrial border due to multiple pregnancies. Presentation of Adenomyosis is menorrhagia , dysmenorrhea which progresses with every menstrual cycle and it gets worsened. Infertility in young women which is rare , uterus is uniformly enlarged , it enlarges 14 centimeters. Diagnosis is done by ultrasound and MRI […]
20. Post Menopausal Bleeding
20. Post Menopausal Bleeding Hi guys I am back with another video, in this video we will be discussing about the post menopausal bleeding , so what is post menopausal bleeding ? Post menopausal bleeding is the bleeding per vagina after one year of cessation of menopause and the most common causes are carcinoma cervix and carcinoma endometrium .Now what are the symptoms of carcinoma cervix : post coital bleeding which is the most common symptom , post menopausal bleeding , uremia, cancer .Now let us know about the symptoms of CA endometrium :The most common one is irregular a […]
21. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
21. Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome , what is the idea of IVF? , it is to retrieve 6 to 15 eggs, controlled ovarian hyper stimulation is to retrieve too many eggs in one cycle in order to increase the chances of IVF. Each egg makes under 150 to 200 pg of Estradiol, so 40 eggs will make 8000 pg. of Estradiol. Greater than 20 eggs that is 3500 pg of Estradiol leads to vascular Endothelial growth factor ; Increase […]
22. Amenorrhea
22. Amenorrhea Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the amenorrhea, so what Is amenorrhea? Amenorrhea means absence of menses. Now let us recall the events of puberty , the first event of puberty is the physical growth . The specific eve events of puberty for girls are : Thelarche that is breast development, pubarche that is growth of pubic and axillary hair , sudden linear spurt in height , followed by periods or menarche . The normal age of puberty is from 10 to 12 years. Now amenorrhea can […]
23. Menopause Part-1
23. Menopause Part-1 Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the menopause, now what is menopause ? Menopause is the physiological and natural event in the life of a woman which is caused by the permanent cessation of the menstrual cycle is between 48 to 52 years. Now let us come to know about the management of menopause. The managements are : diet advice on smoking and alcohol ; calcium supplementation and exercise will help. Smoking is toxic to the follicles and causes rapid metabolism of estrogen in the liver […]
24. Menopause Part -2
24. Menopause Part-2 Hi guys, so in previous video, we have learned that what is menopause and what other symptoms of menopause? In this video we will learn about the diseases caused during menopause and what are the risk factors including what is HRT and who needs that ?The first one is cardiovascular disease, it happens when the estrogen is cardio protective maintaining a high density lipoprotein (HDL ),Lowering low-density LDL and triglycerides ,Estrogen deficiency leads to atherosclerosis , ischemic heart disease,Myocardial infarction .The second one is stroke , incidence of stroke increases in menopausal woman .The third one is […]
25. Assessment of Growth Charts
25. Assessment of Growth Charts Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about a very important topic that is how do we assess growth and what do we mean by growth ?Growth means increase in physical size of the body . Now let us come to know about the nomenclature once the baby is born according to his or her age , first 8 weeks of intrauterine life is called embryo , 9th week till delivery is called the fetus , first 28 days of life is called neonate , first […]
26. More About the Growth Charts
26. More About the Growth Charts Hi guys I am back with another video , so in this video we will be discussing about the growth charts , so what do we mean by growth charts ? Growth charts is the graphical representation of the anthropometric factors , now let us come to know more about the types of growth charts : international growth charts and Indian growth charts . So what are the charts that falls under international growth charts let us come to know more about them , the first one is NCHS which is called national center […]
27. Anthropometric Factors (Weight)
27.Anthropometric Factors (Weight) Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the normal anthropometric factors like the weight , so how do we measure weight ? In infants if they are less than 10 kgs, the pan or the basket type of weighing scales are used. In older children the platform type of weighing scales are used, so what are the precautions we should take while checking the weight of the baby ? Let us come to know about it , : the baby should wear minimal clothes , for small […]
28. Height
28.Height Hi guys I am back with another video , I’m this video we will be discussing about anthropometric factors like height , so how do we measure the height ?, if the age of the baby is less than 2 years then we measure the length , if the age is greater than 2 years we measure the height . The device which is used to measure length is infantometer . The device which is used to measure height is stadiometer . The supine length of a child is 0.7 to 1 cm more than the standing height . […]
29. Lower Segment and Upper Segment Ratio
29.Lower Segment and Upper Segment Ratio Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the ratio of the upper segment and the lower segment . Now what is upper segment , the upper segment is the part of the body above the symphysis pubis and the lower segment of the body is the part of the body below the symphysis pubis. Now let us know about the ratio of the upper segment : lower segment . At birth the ratio is 1.7 to 1.9: 1 , at 3 years its 1.3 […]
30. Microcephaly
30. Microcephaly Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the abnormalities of head size and shape , so of course they’re of two types : if the head circumference is smaller than as usual then that is Microcephaly ; if the head size is larger than as usual than that is Macrocephaly . Now let us know in details about Microcephaly in this video , so what is the definition? If the head circumference is less than _3 standard deviation , then this is called Microcephaly. Microcephaly can be further […]
31. Macrocephaly
31. Macrocephaly Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the Macrocephaly . Macrocephaly basically means large head. So what is the definition? If the head circumference is greater than +2 SD then that is Macrocephaly . now let us come to know about the important causes of macrocephaly. The first one is increased thickness of cranial bones and why that happens? It can happen due to thalassemia and rickets. Now let us come to know about the second cause that is subdural fluid collection it is present as an effusion […]
32. Abnormalities of Head Shape
32. Abnormalities of Head Shape Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the abnormalities of head shape, so they can be plagiocephaly and craniosynotosis. So what is plagiocephaly ? It is a symmetry flattening on one side of the skull , craniosynotosis is premature fusion of more than one cranial suture . It is clinically recognised by abnormal head shape along with palpable ridge in the suture line that is prematurely fused . Now let us come to know about the normal sequence of fusion of cranial suture : the […]
33. Abnormalities of Head Shape (Types)
33. Abnormalities of Head Shape (Types) Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the types of abnormalities of head shape, so they are of four types : the first one is Dolichocephaly which is antero-posteriorly elongated head and this happens due to pre mature fusion of sagittal suture . The second one is trigonocephaly that is triangular in shape in which we can see the premature fusion of metopic suture . The third one is turricephaly in which we can see that the shape of the head is tower in […]
34. Fontanelles
34. Fontanelles Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the fontanelles , so Fontanelles can be divided into two types that is anterior Fontanelles and posterior fontanelles . So let us come to know a little bit more about both of these two types. The shape of the anterior Fontanelles is Diamond in shape whereas the shape of the posterior fontanelles is triangular in shape . The size of anterior Fontanelles is 2 cm / 2 cm , it is present at the junction of coronal and sagittal sutures and […]
35. Normal Dentition
35. Normal Dentition Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the normal dentition , now let us understand it , the normal dentition can be divided into two types : the first one is primary dentition and the second one is secondary dentition .The primary dentition is also known as the milk or temporary teeth , whereas the secondary dentition is also known as the primary teeth . The primary dentition begins at 6 to 7 months whereas the secondary Dentition begins at 6 years . The first tooth to […]
36. Sequence of Teeth Eruption
36. Sequence of Teeth Eruption Hi guys I am back with another video , In this video we will know about the sequence of teeth eruption in both milk teeth and the permanent teeth . So we will start with the milk teeth now: the first one to erupt is the central incisor followed by the lateral incisor then the first molar , then the canine and the last tooth to erupt is second molar .Now let us come to know about the eruption of the permanent teeth or the secondary teeth : it all starts with first molar followed […]
37. Delayed Dentition
37. Delayed Dentition Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the abnormalities of dentition .so in this video we will be understanding delayed dentition in a little bit more details, so what is the definition of delayed dentition ? It is when no tooth erupt by the age of 13 months and now let us come to know about the conditions where we can see such delayed dentitions , we can see all of these in familial , rickets , idiopathic , endocrine causes like congenital hypopituitarism , congenital hypothyroidism […]
38. Natal Teeth
38. Natal Teeth Hi guys I am back with another video, in this video we will be understanding about the abnormalities of dentition that is natal teeth . So what is natal teeth ? A baby if born with teeth is considered to be the condition with natal teeth. Now natal teeth can be seen in the following conditions . The first one is Ellis van crewels syndrome : the symptoms are short limb dwarfism , polydactyly , congenital heart abnormalities. The second one is Pierre Robin syndrome, the symptoms include micrognathia and retrognathia . The third one is Epidermolysis […]
39.Sequence of Changes in Puberty (Males and Females)
39.Sequences of Changes in Puberty (Males & females) Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the adolescence and puberty and sequence of changes of puberty in both males and females . What is the WHO definition for adolescence? It is a stage of transmission between childhood to adulthood and the time period is between 10 to 19 years . Early adolescence is from 10 to 13 years , mild adolescence is from 14 to 16 years , late adolescence is from 17 to 19 years. Now what is puberty ? […]
40. Orchidometer and Assessment of Puberty in Adolescent
40.Orchidometer and Assessment of Puberty in Adolescent Hi guys I am back with another video , so In this video we will be knowing about the Orchidometer and how do we assess the adolescents ? Now what is Orchidometer? Orchidometer is a device which has number of beads in it , it is used to measure the testicular size , the numerical value indicates the volume of the testis, now how do we assess the puberty in adolescence ? Let us come to know more about it, it is done by sexual maturity rating . It is checked from stage […]
41.Stages of Puberty in Females
41. Stages of Puberty in Females Hi guys I am back with another video , In this video we will be understanding about the stages of puberty in females. So first we will know about the stages in breast development, so first stage is the pre pubertal stage , the second stage is the breast bud with the elevation of breast and papillae, that is the enlargement of areola, the third stage is the further enlargement of breast and areola . Fourth stage is areola and papilla from the secondary mount above the level of breast . And the last […]
42. Stages of Puberty in Males
42. Stages of Puberty in Males Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the stages of puberty in males , so let us come to know about it , so in case of males we can determine by saying both of these two that is the growth of genitalia and the pubic hairs , so in stage 1 the pubic hairs are absent , in stage 2 we can see sparse hairs at the base of the penis, in stage 3 we can see more coarse hairs , in stage […]
43. Important Facts Related to Puberty and Adolescents
43. Important Facts Related to Puberty and Adolescents Hi guys so I am back with another video, in this video we will be understanding about the important facts related to puberty and adolescents . We can see earliest neuroendocrine change associated with the onset of puberty that is maturation of GnRH pulse generator , on stage 3 we can see the sperms in the urine of a boy , we can see bilateral growth of the chest during stage 2 to 4,.Now the growth spurt occurs in girls during stage 3 and it occurs in boys during stage 4. It […]
44. Sperm Pathways
44. Sperm Pathways Hi guys I am back with another video , today we will be discussing about gametogenesis, but in this video we will be particularly discussing about the male gamete pathway that is the sperm pathway . So as we all know that sperms are produced in the testes , the testes has 250 to 290 lobules , then the sperms are transferred into the seminiferous tubules which are lined by sertoli cells , then the sperms are transferred into the rete testis , then they go into epidymis . Here the sperms are stored for 2 to […]
45. Semen
45. Semen Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding more about the semen or knowing more about the semen , so what is semen ? Semen is the fluid that is secreted from the male reproductive organs that contains the sperm cells . Now the consistency of semen is in a gelatinous form and why is that ? It is gelatinous because of the secretion from the Cowper’s gland , it thins out due to the secretion of proteolytic enzymes from the prostate . What exactly is the semen made of […]
46.Formation of Sperm
46. Formation of Sperm Hi guys I am back with another video , In this video we will be understanding about the formation of male gametes that is sperm in a little bit more detail . So what happens in spermatogenesis? One spermatogonia produces four spermatozoa . The spermiogenesis is a part of spermatogenesis , it takes around 21 to 22 days . Spermiation is the release of sperms from the Sertoli cells into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules . Spermiogenesis is when the spermatids turns into spermatozoa . The spermatogonium turns into primary spermatocyte which undergoes through meiosis […]
47.Maturation of Spermatids and Structure of Sperms
47. Maturation of Spermatids and Structure of Sperms Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the maturation of spermatids along with the structure of sperms . As we all know one spermatogonia gives rise to 4 spermatozoa . The formation of spermatozoa from spermatids includes these steps : the first one is the condensation of the nucleus, second one is the formation of the flagellum to make the sperms to make the sperms motile , the third step is the sperm attains motility so that they can swim through the […]
48. Oogenesis
48.Oogenesis Hi guys I am back with another video , so this is the last video of the gametogenesis series and we will be ending it with oogenesis right in this video .so what is oogenesis ? Oogenesis is basically the formation of oocyte which is the female gamete . Oogenesis starts at the 8th week of intrauterine life . There are 6to 7 primordial follicles at the 28th week of intrauterine life . Some of the primordial follicles enters the meiosis 1 and then it forms the primary oocyte . 1 to 2 millions are only left at birth […]
49.Hutchison’s Teeth
49. Hutchison’s Teeth Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the Hutchinson’s teeth . Hutchinson’s teeth is simply a component of the Hutchinson’s triad and it is a late manifestation of the congenital syphilis, so the first component of the triad that is one the tip of the triangle we can see the Hutchinson’s teeth , they’re notched incisors, second is interstitial keratitis and the last component that is the base of the triangle is sensory neuron hearing loss . So this is all about this topic , Thank you […]
50. Pneumothorax and Its Types
Hi guys I am back with another video, so today in this very video we will be understanding about pneumothorax.But in this video, we will be understanding about pneumothorax and its typesSo, what is pneumothorax?Pneumothorax literally means gas in pleural space.Pneumothorax can be divided into two parts: spontaneous and traumatic. Spontaneous can be further divided into primary pneumothorax and secondary pneumothorax.Now let us come to spontaneous pneumothorax:It can be divided into three types: the first one is closed type, open type, tension or valvular type. So, this is all about the basic meaning and classification,In the next videos we will […]
Pneumonia and it’s Etiological Classification Hello friends, I’m back, so in this video we will be understanding what pneumonia and its classification.So how do we define pneumonia?Pneumonia is the inflammatory condition primarily effecting the small air sacs known as alveoli, these alveoli are then filled up with pus or fluid, making it difficult to breathe.Now let us come to know the classification!How do we classify pneumonia?So, it can be broadly classified into etiological and morphological.But in this video, we will give a quick revision of the etiological classificationComing to the etiological classification it is again classified into infective and non-infective:Now […]
52.Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic Bronchitis and its Etiology Hello friends now let’s start off with a new topic which is chronic Bronchitis which comes under obstructive pulmonary diseases that is COPD. InThis video we will be discussing about the basic definition of chronic bronchitis and the Etiology.So, starting off with the definition, what do we mean by chronic bronchitis?It can be defined as the long-term inflammation of the bronchi leading to productive cough of more than 3 months occurring within a span of 2 years. Now let’s come to know about the etiologyThe most common cause is tobacco smoking .The second if there […]