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9. Development of Follicles in Ovary
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the size of the ovary a little bit followed by development of the follicles in detail . So what is the size of the ovary , it’s 3 X 3.5 X 2.5 to 5 cm and the volume of the ovary is length X breadth X width and the shape is the prolate ellipsoid. > 10 mm 3 is a large volume ovary which is seen in the condition of PCOS. Now let us know about the follicles. What are the types of follicles?
The first one is mature or dominant follicle which is one egg per ovary per month and the size varies from 18 to 20 mm. If the women conceives he / she will give birth to one baby .
The second one is antral follicles, which means fluid follicles, antral means a space containing fluid , the size varies from 2 to 6 mm . The numbers 6 to 7 eggs per ovary per month .
The third one is primordial follicle which means 1000 eggs are recruited per month .
Now let us understand the development of follicles in detail, it all starts with the primordial follicle, that is 1000 eggs are recruited per month and the size varies from 0.03 to 0.05 mm . Primordial follicles are the egg with one layer of flat granulosa cells , most of the primordial cells degenerate and few gets converted into primary follicles . Now let us know about the features of primary follicles . Size of the primary follicles is 0.1 mm, it is one egg with one layer of cuboidal granulosa cells . Most of the primary follicles will degenerate and few will become secondary follicles . Now ,what are the features of secondary follicles, size is 0.2 mm and secondary follicles are many layers of granulosa cells . Now let us know about the antral follicles which are fluid filled follicles , so the follicles which we have talked about till now are pre antral follicles , so few of the secondary follicles becomes antral follicles which are 6 to 7 in number and the size varies from 2 to 6 mm . So one of these follicles become tertiary follicle which In turn becomes the mature or the dominant follicle which is one in number . So the function of the dominant follicle or the Graafian follicle , these are the mature granulosa cells, which releases estrogen, the size is 20 mm, it is fluid filled, one dominant follicle rupture and it produces oocyte . Basically a set a number of follicles are present in ovary from birth and thousand follicles per month are recruited and it ends at the time of menopause. 6 to 7 million of primordial follicles are present at 20 weeks of intrauterine life , 1 to 2 million at birth , 3 to 4 lakhs at level of puberty . So this is what we have known in this topic , see you in the next video , thank you !