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7. Growth and development (Milestones)
Hi friends , so today we will be discussing about growth and development , what is growth ? Growth is defined as the net increase in size and mass of the tissues and development is defined as the maturation of function that is the maturation and myelination of the nervous system . Growth and development are often used together but are not interchangeable because they represent the two facets of dynamics that is quality and quantity.Now let us discuss about the periods of growth in perinatal period , post natal period and adolescents .
Perinatal period : ovum , time period is 0 to 2 weeks .
Embryo : 3 to 8 weeks
Fetus : 9 weeks to birth
Perinatal period : 22 weeks to 7 days after birth .
Then let us come to the post natal period
New born : first four weeks after birth .
Infants : birth to less than 12 months .
And for neonate : birth to 28 days
Toddler : 1 year to 36 months
Pre school child : 32 to 72 months
School age child : 73 months to 12 years .
Early adolescence : 10 to 13 years
Middle adolescence: 14 to 16 years
Late : 17 to 19 years
Let us understand about the domains of development: gross motor, fine motor and skills, personal social and general understanding, language, vision and hearing.
Let us discuss about the gross motor milestone in detail: supine and prone to seat, observe the infant in supine position, pull her gently to a sitting position, observe the control of the head and the curvature of the spine, then what are the milestones you’ll see after examining this? For a newborn head lags with a rounded back, for four months, head lag is minimum, for 20 weeks there is complete neck control.
The next examination is ventral suspension: leave the infant off the couch, place one hand under the infant’s chest. So, what are the milestones we will see after this examination. In four weeks, the head flops down, in 8 weeks the child hold his head and in 12 weeks the child holds his head above the horizontal plane. Now let us discuss about the prone position: at birth the newborn turns the head to one side.
At 2 weeks: the baby lies on the bed with knees down under the pelvis.
6 weeks: flat pelvis and extended hips.
12 weeks: child bears weight on the forearm with chin and shoulder off the couch.
6 months: children support his weight on the extended arms.
Between 4 and 6 months he rolls over at first back to side and then back to stomach. By 8 months infant crawl
By 10 months: bear walk at 12 months. Now coming to the sitting positions the infants sits with the support of the pillows of the examiner’s hand.
8 months: rounded back at 8 weeks
4 months: straight back
8 months: he independently sits with his arms forwards for support
10 to 11 months : he can pivot to reach an object
Let us discuss about the milestones of standing and walking:
6 months: can bear weight and bounces actively when made to stand
9 months: the child can pull to stand and can stand holding furniture.
10 and 11 months: cruising over furniture
12 months: the child can stand independently and can walk in one hand hold.
13 and 15 months: the child starts walking independently.
18 months: he runs, crawls up and down the stairs, pulls a doll on wheeled toy on the chair
2 years: child walks back and climb upstairs with both feet on one step
4 years: she can move down the stairs similarly.
3 years: ride a cycle.
4 years: hops
Coming to the next domain that is the fine motor skill development where the fist open from 2 to 3 months.
Important things which we need to observe fine motor skill development are eye coordination, hand to mouth coordination, advanced hand skills and dressing.
Hand to eye coordination:
12 to 20 weeks: the child observes his own hand intently.
3 to 4 months: hands of the child come together in the midline as he plays.
Hand to mouth coordination:
6 months : ability to chew develops .
12 months : he tries to feed himself from a cup with spilling
15 months : he can drink without much spilling .
18 months : he can feed himself well using a spoon .
There are three gasps which is under fine motor skill development:
The first one is crude ulnar gasp which is an immature gasp and is check in 6 months .
Crude intermediate gasp or the mature grasp , where the middle of the palm is used and is checked in 8 to 9 months .
And the third one is crude radial gasp which is the mature gasp
And the index finger , thumb are used .
Then let us come to the advanced hand skills:
15 months : 2 to 3 pages of book at a time .
Scribbles paper with a crayon .
18 months : can build a tower of 2 to 3 cubes .
Draw a cube .
2 years : turn doorknobs
The last one which is dressing:
One year : starts to pull of caps and socks
18 months : can unzip but fumbles with buttons .
2 years : puts on shoes or socks
4 years able to button
Now let us Discuss about the third domain which is personal and social understanding and general development
In two months, he or she smiles after being talked to.
In three months: recognizes mother and anticipates feed.
In six months: he or she recognizes stranger and develops stranger anxiety
In 9 months: jargon
18 months: copies parents in task like sweeping.
2 years: ask for food, drink and toilet.
3 years: shares toy, knows full name and gender.
4 years: plays cooperative in a group, goes to toilet alone.
5 years: keeps in household tasks, dress and undress. Now let us discuss about the fourth domain that is language. In one month: gets alert to sound
3 months: coos
4 months: laughs
And in 6 months utters monosyllables like baa, da, pa. Makes aa, goo sounds.
9 months: bisyllables (mama, dada, baba)
12 months: 1 to 2 words with meaning.
18 months: 8 to 10 words vocabulary
2 years: 2 to 3 words sentences (pronouns I, me, you)
3 years: asks questions, knows, full name and gender.
4 years: says songs or poems
5 years: asks meaning of words.
Now what are the important milestones of gross motor ?
3 months : neck holding
5 months : rolls over
6 months : sits with support
8 months : sits without support
9 months : stands with support
12 months : stands without support
18 months : runs
2 years : stairs ( 2 feet per steps )
3 years : rides tricycle
4 years: stairs ( 1 feet per step )
5 years : skips .
Important milestones for fine motor ?
4 months : bidextrous reach
6 months : unidextrous reach
9 months : immature pincer gasp
12 months : mature pincer gasp
18 months : tower of 3 blocks
2 years : tower of 6 blocks
3 years : tower of 8 blocks
4 years : copies cross
5 years : copies triangle .
This is all about the growth and development and their milestones. See you in the next video, Thank you!