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47. Maturation of Spermatids and Structure of Sperms
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the maturation of spermatids along with the structure of sperms . As we all know one spermatogonia gives rise to 4 spermatozoa . The formation of spermatozoa from spermatids includes these steps : the first one is the condensation of the nucleus, second one is the formation of the flagellum to make the sperms to make the sperms motile , the third step is the sperm attains motility so that they can swim through the vagina . The fourth or the last step is formation of the acrosome that is the Golgi apparatus.
The structure of the sperm includes three parts . They’re head , mid piece and the tail . So let’s start with the head first , the head is oval in shape containing the nucleus and the DNA and above the head there is a cap like structure attached which is acrosome and it has all the digestive enzymes . Now coming to the mid piece , it contains many mitochondria. The end part that is the tail which has flagellum and it helps for propulsion that makes the sperm motile , so that it can swim through the female genital organs . So this is all about the important points related to sperm , in the next video we will be discussing about the female gametogenesis or oocyte . See you in the next video , thank you !