44. Sperm Pathways

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Hi guys I am back with another video , today we will be discussing about gametogenesis, but in this video we will be particularly discussing about the male gamete pathway that is the sperm pathway . So as we all know that sperms are produced in the testes , the testes has 250 to 290 lobules , then the sperms are transferred into the seminiferous tubules which are lined by sertoli cells , then the sperms are transferred into the rete testis , then they go into epidymis . Here the sperms are stored for 2 to 6 days so that they can attain motility and then from epididymis it goes into vas deferens , the sperms attain more motility after it goes here . Then it goes into ejaculatory duct followed by urethra. And the sperms are released from the penis, this is all about the sperm pathway , in the next video we will be understanding the consistency of the semen or more about semen , so see you in the next video , thank you !

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