43. Important Facts Related to Puberty and Adolescents

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Hi guys so I am back with another video, in this video we will be understanding about the important facts related to puberty and adolescents . We can see earliest neuroendocrine change associated with the onset of puberty that is maturation of GnRH pulse generator , on stage 3 we can see the sperms in the urine of a boy , we can see bilateral growth of the chest during stage 2 to 4,.
Now the growth spurt occurs in girls during stage 3 and it occurs in boys during stage 4. It lasts longer it males as compared to females, we can see enlargement of hands and feet , follows by arms and leg then the trunk that is the chest and the breast . Height velocity 8 to 9 centimeters per year in females which is attained 6 months before menarche and it is 9 to 10 cm per year in males . After attaining the exact height the males undergo through an increase In lean body mass whereas females develop a higher proportion of body fat . The menstruation is during stage 3 to 4. Average age of attaining menarche is from 12 and half years , thelarche starts from 10 to 10.5 years of age . Now we can see bone growth we can see bone mineralization , in ease in muscle growth .we can see egocentricity during adolescence and it means that they think they’re the center of attention , it can be seen during the early adolescence . And the most important thing we can see during adolescence is that they want separation from parents that is they seek more privacy. They reject parents’ decision , they want to spend less time with parents. Let us see the problems we can see in adolescent age groups: substance abuses, eating disorder, sleep disorder , low, self esteem and body related disorders , that is they get more cautious about body image issues, they go through mental health problems like anxiety disorder, facing problems in adjustment.
Accidents that is the most common problem in adolescents , it is the common cause of mortality . This is all about this topic ,Thank you !

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