40. Orchidometer and Assessment of Puberty in Adolescent

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Hi guys I am back with another video , so In this video we will be knowing about the Orchidometer and how do we assess the adolescents ? Now what is Orchidometer? Orchidometer is a device which has number of beads in it , it is used to measure the testicular size , the numerical value indicates the volume of the testis, now how do we assess the puberty in adolescence ? Let us come to know more about it, it is done by sexual maturity rating . It is checked from stage 1 to 5. The stage 1 is pre pubertal stage and the stage 5 is matured adult . The parameters which is used to access puberty are : in case of female it is breast development and growth of Pubic hairs. In case of males it is the genitalia that is the testis and the penis and the Pubic hairs . In the next video , we will come to know in a little bit more details , see you in the next video , Thank you !

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