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4. Stages Of labor
Today we will be discussing about the stages of Labor. There are four stages: first stage, second stage, third stage and the fourth stage.
First stage : it starts with the onset of true labor pain and ends with the full dilation of cervix. It is also known as the cervical stage of labor. Its average duration is 12 hours in case of primigravida and 10 hours in multipara according to world health organization.
second stage : it starts with a full dilation of service and ends with the expulsion of fetus from birth canal . It is divided into two types : the propulsive or the passive phase and the expulsive or activity phase. What is propulsive or passive phase ? It’s starts from the full dilation up to the decent of the presenting part two, the pelvic floor.
The expulsive or the active phase , it starts from the maternal bearing down efforts and ends with the delivery of the baby. Its average duration is two hours in primigravida, and 30 minutes in multipara . According to world health organization its average duration is three hours in primigravida and two hours in multipara .
Third stage : it begins after the expulsion of the fetus and ends with the expulsion of the membranes and placenta , the average duration is 15 minutes for 2 both primigravida and multipara .
The fourth stage which is the last stage it is the stage of observation after expulsion or after birth , in this stage the maternal vitals , uterine retraction and vaginal bleeding are checked for At least one hour and the baby is kept under examination for the well-being of both baby and mother , so this is what we have known about the stages of labor, Thank you! See you in the next video