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39.Sequences of Changes in Puberty (Males & females)
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the adolescence and puberty and sequence of changes of puberty in both males and females . What is the WHO definition for adolescence? It is a stage of transmission between childhood to adulthood and the time period is between 10 to 19 years . Early adolescence is from 10 to 13 years , mild adolescence is from 14 to 16 years , late adolescence is from 17 to 19 years. Now what is puberty ? Puberty refers to the physical changes in the body during adolescence. Now let us come to know about the sequence of changes of puberty in females . The first one is Thelarche which is breast development, it is the first sign . The second one is pubarche which is the development of pubic and axillary hairs, the third one is linear growth spurt that is increase in height . The fourth one or the last stage is menarche which is the development of menstrual period . Now let us come to know about the sequence of changes of puberty in males , first step is testicular enlargement which is the first sign , this is very important we need to remember this , the second one is penile engagement followed by Pubic hair , then the growth spurt , followed by axillary hair and last is the facial hair . So this is all about this topic , see you in the next video .Thank you !