35. Normal Dentition

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be understanding about the normal dentition , now let us understand it , the normal dentition can be divided into two types : the first one is primary dentition and the second one is secondary dentition .
The primary dentition is also known as the milk or temporary teeth , whereas the secondary dentition is also known as the primary teeth . The primary dentition begins at 6 to 7 months whereas the secondary Dentition begins at 6 years . The first tooth to erupt in case of primary dentition is the lower central incisors whereas the first tooth to erupt in case of secondary dentition is the first molar . The last tooth to erupt in case of primary dentition is second molar whereas in case of secondary dentition the last tooth to erupt is the third molar or the wisdom tooth . The completion of primary dentition is from 2.5 to 3 years whereas in case of secondary dentition it’s from 12 years except the third molar . The total number of teeth in case of primary dentition is 20, whereas in case of secondary dentition it is from 28 to 32. Let us come to know about the teeth in each quadrant, we know about the dental formula , the order Is incisors, canine, premolar, molar . The formula in case of primary dentition is 2 1 0 2, in case of secondary dentition the formula is 2 1 2 3 . So this is all about normal dentition , see you in the next video . Thank you !

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