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33. Abnormalities of Head Shape (Types)
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the types of abnormalities of head shape, so they are of four types : the first one is Dolichocephaly which is antero-posteriorly elongated head and this happens due to pre mature fusion of sagittal suture . The second one is trigonocephaly that is triangular in shape in which we can see the premature fusion of metopic suture . The third one is turricephaly in which we can see that the shape of the head is tower in shape , this happens due to pre mature fusion of coronal spheno-frontal ethmoid sutures . Fourth one is brachycephaly which is rectangular in shape it happens due to pre mature fusion of coronal sutures. Let us come to know more about the syndromes associated with craniosynostoses, what are they ? The first one is Crouzon syndrome , the symptoms are brachycephaly bulging eyes , underdeveloped cheeks .
The second one is the apert syndrome : bulging eyes , mitten hands that means the fingers are infused with each other , carpenters syndrome , Pfeiffer syndrome
So this is all about this topic , see you in the next video , thank you !