32. Abnormalities of Head Shape

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the abnormalities of head shape, so they can be plagiocephaly and craniosynotosis. So what is plagiocephaly ? It is a symmetry flattening on one side of the skull , craniosynotosis is premature fusion of more than one cranial suture . It is clinically recognised by abnormal head shape along with palpable ridge in the suture line that is prematurely fused . Now let us come to know about the normal sequence of fusion of cranial suture : the first one is metopic suture which fuses by 2 months , and the second one is Sagittal suture , third one is coronal suture and the last one is lambdoid suture which fuses for around 22 to 26 months , and then the frontonasal frontozygomatic suture which fuses around 6 months . This is all about this topic , thank you !

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