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3. Pre Eclampsia
Pre Eclampsia
What is pre Eclampsia?
Pre Eclampsia is basically hypertension which is caused during the Gravid state,
It is basically a pregnancy induced hypertension .
Pre Eclampsia can be defined as a as a development of hypertension to an extent of 140/80 mm Hg or more with proteinuria induced by pregnancy after 20 weeks because we know that the normal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, now coming to the causes of a etiology, what are they ?
.The first one is deficiency of vasodilator which is prostaglandin i2
. The second one is increased synthesis of vasoconstrictor which is thromboxane A2
.the third one is increased sensitivity to pressor agent angiotensin 2.
Now coming to the types what are the types of pre-eclampsia?
Pre-eclampsia R of two types mild and severe
What is mild pre-eclampsia?
My pre-eclampsia his friend, the blood pressure rises above 140/ 90 mm Hg but is less then 160/110 mm Hg but without proteinuria
Severe pre-eclampsia is find the blood pressure rises above 160/100 mm Hg
And with an increase in proteinuria
Coming to the clinical features what are they ?
The clinical features are
.Elevated blood pressure
.Disturbed sleep
.Blurred vision
.Rapid weight gain
.scanty liquor
What are the effect on fetus due to pre-eclampsia?
The first one is reduced placental function which results in low birth weight
The second one is fetal abruption, which causes fetal hypoxia, inters uterine fetal death
The third one is early delivery or preterm labor
Coming to the complications ;what are the complications we can see during pregnancy during labor and during post partum?
During pregnancy we can see such complications like : Eclampsia , placental abruption, blurred vision , pre term labor .
During labor , we can see eclampsia .
And during postpartum, we can see complications like sepsis.
Now how do we prevent pre-eclampsia?
The first one is we should ask the patient to undergo through regular checkup like checking vital signs and weight .
The second one is we should as the patient to take proper bed rest .
The third one is we should ask the patient to take low dose of Aspirin .
The fourth one is we should provide the patient with calcium supplementation and we should advise the patient to take well balanced diet
The last topic to discuss about is the treatment of pre eclampsia , how do we treat the cases of Pre eclampsia?
The first one is, we should ask the patient to take proper rest
The second one is we should ask the patient to have diet night protein rich diet and salt reduced diet
The third one, the most important one which is antihypertensive therapy, there are many drugs like Nifedipine, Methyldopa , hydralazine and Labetalol , but the most preferred drug here is methyldopa. We can perform abdominal examination to the patient followed by fetal assessment like ultrasounds and NST.
So this is what we have known about the basic concept of pre-eclampsia. Thank you!