29. Lower Segment and Upper Segment Ratio

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the ratio of the upper segment and the lower segment . Now what is upper segment , the upper segment is the part of the body above the symphysis pubis and the lower segment of the body is the part of the body below the symphysis pubis. Now let us know about the ratio of the upper segment : lower segment . At birth the ratio is 1.7 to 1.9: 1 , at 3 years its 1.3 : 1. How do we measure the arm span ? When the arms are stretched at 90 degree from the body, and the length of the arms are measured from the tip of middle finger of one hand to the tip of middle finger of another hand. The arm span is almost equal to the height of the child and the difference is less than 3 cm . Below 10 years of age the arm span is 1 to 2 centimeters less than the height of the child . More than 10 years it is more than the height of the child . Now let us come to know how do we measure the head circumference . It is measured from the occipital prominence to the supra orbital prominence . It is measured using non stretchable measuring tape with mm marking . What are the precautions we should take while measuring head circumference? Remove any head gear , do not use the tailors tape , use the overlapping technique, measure 3 times . At birth the head circumference is 33 to 35 cm . Let us come to know the rate of increase in head circumference according to the time period or the age : from 0 to 3 months it increases by 2 cm per month , by 3 to 6 months it increases by 1 cm per month , from 6 to 12 months it increases by 0.5 cm per month , from 1 to 3 years it increases by 0.2 cm per month . This is all about this topic . Thank you !

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