25. Assessment of Growth Charts

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about a very important topic that is how do we assess growth and what do we mean by growth ?
Growth means increase in physical size of the body . Now let us come to know about the nomenclature once the baby is born according to his or her age , first 8 weeks of intrauterine life is called embryo , 9th week till delivery is called the fetus , first 28 days of life is called neonate , first year of life is called infant , one to three years is known as toddler, three to six years is known as pre school and 10 to 19 years I called adolescent. Growth is assessed using several anthropometric factors . Anthropos means humans and Metry means measurements. Now let us come to know that what are the factors . Anthropometric factors height , weight , mid arm circumference, head circumference , skin fold thickness, chest circumference and body mass index . Now let us come to know about the mid arm circumference , circumference of the mid point of the arm is measured using a non stretchable millimeter tape . Mid point circumference indicates growth and nutritional states . It remains constant from 6 months to 5 years . Mid arm circumference is age independent anthropometric parameter. Between 1 to 5 years the mid arm circumference increases by 0.25 cm per year . Charts which are used for mid arm circumference are Tanners charts and WHO growth charts . Now let us come to know about the skin fold thickness, when the skin is pinched a certain amount of subcutaneous tissue is present underneath which defines the nutritional status of the child . The areas where the skin fold tissues can be measured are suprascapular , subscapular , biceps and the triceps . The device used here is skin fold thickness caliper . Now let us come to know more about the chest circumference : at birth the head circumference is more than the chest circumference , by 9 months to 1 year the head circumference equals to chest circumference . Beyond one year of age the chest circumference becomes greater than the head circumference. Now let us come to know about the body mass index and it is measured by weight divided by height , if the BMI rate is less than 5th percentile then it is underweight , if it is greater than 85th percentile then it is overweight, if it is greater than 95th percentile then it is obesity . So this is all about this topic , see you in the next video , thank you !

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