23. Menopause Part-1

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the menopause, now what is menopause ? Menopause is the physiological and natural event in the life of a woman which is caused by the permanent cessation of the menstrual cycle is between 48 to 52 years. Now let us come to know about the management of menopause. The managements are : diet advice on smoking and alcohol ; calcium supplementation and exercise will help. Smoking is toxic to the follicles and causes rapid metabolism of estrogen in the liver and is hence antiestrogenic, if a woman has fibroids a short course of GNRH can shrink the fibroids and avoid hysterectomy , the woman needs guidance on menopausal symptoms , she needs hormone replacement therapy( HRT ). Now let us come to know about the diagnosis of approaching menopause: a fall in the label of inhibin B (not inhibin A) causes rise in follicle stimulating hormone level , the level greater than 40 internal units per liter is reported.
Rise of FSH level and LH level elevated more than normal ones.
A fall in the level of anti mullerian hormone suggest a low ovarian reserve and also a low antral follicular count . Now let us come to know about the hormone levels during menopause. The levels of androgen is 50%, estrogen is 66% , FSH in urine is more than 40 international units per liter. Now let us come to know about the anatomical changes which happens during Menopause: the ovary shrinks, that tunica albuginea thickens , the menopausal ovary measures less than 21.51cm in size( 8 ml in volume ), the plain muscle undergo atrophy , the cilia disappears from the normal epithelium, the uterus become smaller , the connective tissues are more conspicuous, the lymphoid tissues or functional layer disappears. Now let us come to know about the symptoms of menopause. The first one is menstrual: we can se sudden cessation of mensuration, gradual diminution in the amount of blood loss with each regular symptoms till menstruation stops, gradual increase in intervals during periods until they cease for least a period of one year. Now let us come to know about the neurological symptoms, Vasomotor symptoms and paresthesia may take the form of sensations of pin and needles in extremities. now let us come to know about the genital symptoms: they are atrophic vagina causes sensation, dry vagina causes dyspareunia , loss of libido leads to sexual dysfunction, prolapse of genital organs . The more neurological symptoms like depression, loss of memory , poor sleep , poor concentration and tiredness . Late effects of menopause are arthritis, osteoporosis, fracture, backache, diabetes , stroke, skin changes, Alzheimer’s disease, tooth decay . This is all about menopause we have known here , we will learn more about menopause in the next video . Thank you !

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