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20. Post Menopausal Bleeding
Hi guys I am back with another video, in this video we will be discussing about the post menopausal bleeding , so what is post menopausal bleeding ? Post menopausal bleeding is the bleeding per vagina after one year of cessation of menopause and the most common causes are carcinoma cervix and carcinoma endometrium .
Now what are the symptoms of carcinoma cervix : post coital bleeding which is the most common symptom , post menopausal bleeding , uremia, cancer .
Now let us know about the symptoms of CA endometrium :
The most common one is irregular a cyclical vaginal bleeding , pyometra . The late symptom can be cancer pain and post menopausal bleeding . Now we can see that the post menopausal bleeding is seen in both ca cervix and ca endometrium but it is not the most common symptom . Now let us come to know about the post menopausal bleeding according to western data . The most common cause in western countries is Endometrial atrophy which is from 60 to 80 percent , the second one is hormone replacement therapy which is from 15 to 20 percent followed by endometrial hyperplasia. Now the most common cause in India is ca cervix , also the most common cause for the entire world is ca cervix only because most of the nations are still developing , only 20 to 25 percent of the nations are developed . So this is it about this topic , see you again , thank you !