19. Adenomyosis

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will discuss about the Adenomyosis , now what is Adenomyosis ? Adenomyosis is seen in multiparous women above 40 years of age and in about 30 percent of hysterectomy specimens. It occurs due to destruction of endometrial , myometrial border due to multiple pregnancies. Presentation of Adenomyosis is menorrhagia , dysmenorrhea which progresses with every menstrual cycle and it gets worsened. Infertility in young women which is rare , uterus is uniformly enlarged , it enlarges 14 centimeters. Diagnosis is done by ultrasound and MRI . The most important thing which is noticed in MRI and ultrasound is at the junctional zone between the endometrium and myometrium is from 5 to 8mm which increases upto greater than 12 mm in the case of Adenomyosis. Now let us come to the treatment : the most effective treatment is hysterectomy and the drugs used in order to treat Adenomyosis are: Menorrhagia can be managed with NSAIDS and hormones . Women who is not suitable for hysterectomy we can give IUCDs for progesterone and OCPs for the long period of times , these are hormonal therapies. So this is all about the topic , see you in the next video. Thank you !

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