14. Ovarian Reserve

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Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will understand or take a look into the ovarian reserve.
Let us look into the capacity to conceive , the capacity to conceive is good in young women , the capacity to conceive is poor in old women . Around 35 years the ovarian reserve is good, but the best time for pregnancy is 20 to 25 years, the good time of pregnancy is 25 to 35 years but greater than 35 years of age the quality of the egg is average . Above 35 years of age there are chances of more anomalies and more abortion , whereas above 40 years of age there are 40 percent chances of abortions , let us look into the parameters of ovarian reserve which is very much important :
In the parameters of age the ovarian reserve is good in young women and poor in older women. in the parameters of the size of ovary the ovarian reserve is good in 33.52.5 ; the ovarian reserve is poor when the size of the ovary is smaller . The Antral follicular count ; the ovarian reserve is good if it’s 6 to 7 per ovary , the ovarian reserve is poor when it’s less than 3 per ovary . Serum FSH the ovarian reserve is good if the levels are from 2 to 6. The ovarian reserve is poor when it is greater than 10. Serum inhibin b , the ovarian reserve is good if the levels are from 45 to 200 pg. per milliliters , the ovarian reserve is poor when it is less than 45 pg. per milliliters . The serum Anti Mullerian hormone , the ovarian reserve is good if the levels are from 2 to 6 ng per milliliters , the ovarian reserve is poor when it is less than 1 nano gram per milliliter .
So the poor parameters in younger women indicates poor ovarian reserve .
This is what we have known about this topic , see you in the next video , thanks !

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