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13. Oocyte and Follicle Count
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video we will understand the count of follicles utilized in the 36 years of menstrual life followed by the formation of oocyte a little bit more, so let us continue with the video 3,60,000 follicles are utilized in 30 years of menstrual life and how is that ? Because 1000 follies are recruited per month, so in 12 months a year 12000 follicle are recruited , so in 30 years 3,60,000 follicles are utilized. Therefore in 36 years of menstrual life 3612,000= 4,32,000 follicles will be recruited . So how many number of eggs are utilized? Since only one egg is produced per month , therefore in 36 years of menstrual life , 3612=432 eggs are utilized . Now let us understand the formation of oocyte from the following diagram .the medio basal or the arcuate nucleus which is in the hypothalamus releases pulsation release of GnRH , one in 60 minutes fast in the follicular phase and one in 90 minutes longer in luteal phase, then it acts on the pituitary , pituitary releases the FSH which influences the growth of the follicle with the egg in it, this follicle produces estrogen and it initiates the proliferation of the endometrium , then the estrogen sends positive feedback on the brain to release the LH which ruptures the follicles and the oocyte moves out , after the oocyte moves out the corpus luteum or the yellow colored body is produced which helps in the production of progesterone and it makes the endometrium secretory.
So we need to remember the two punchlines here: the purpose of FSH is to produce estrogen , the purpose of LH is to produce progesterone. Now let us understand the follicles a little bit more :
The follicles as developing oocyte and granulosa cells. The granulosa cells will make the estrogen under the influence of FSH. Basal levels of LH stimulates the Theca cells which releases androgens from the Theca cells and with the help of aromatase enzyme it produces estrogen ,
Follows the two cell two gonadotropin theory , two cells are follicular and Theca cells , two gonadotropins are FSH and LH, normal level of FSH is 2 to 6IU which makes adequate estrogen , >10 IU are seen in menopausal women , >40 IU are seen in diagnostic of menopause , >40 IU are seen before 40 years which is a sign of premature ovarian failure, average age of menopause in India is from 47 to 48 years , world average of menopause is from 51 to 52 years, so this is what we have known about this topic , see you in the next video , thank you !