11.Female Genital Organs

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Hi guys , I am back with another video , in this video we will be discussing about the female reproductive organ in a little bit more detail . So the first one is the external genitalia . So it has vulva , the parts of vulva are : clitoris , labia majora and the labia minora. adjacent organs to vulva are urethral opening , vaginal opening and the Anus.
Now let us understand the uterus in the coronal section , the uterine length also called the body or the corpus , the length is 7 to 8 cm in a Nulliparous woman , 8 to 10 cm in a multiparous woman , the cervix is 4 cm which is the neck of the uterus and less than 2.5 cm is the short cervix .
Now let us understand the uterus in sagittal section , there is an angle of anteversion which is 90 degree and the cervix is pointed Downwards and forwards which helps to pick up the vagina from the vaginal pole . The length of the posterior vagina is 9 cm , the length of the anterior vagina is 7 cm ,Fornix is the area of vagina next to the cervix , the semen is deposited in the posterior fornix .
Now let us come to know about the fallopian tube , it initiates from the intramural part and the fimbriae present in the fallopian tube is the clasp , it helps to hold the ovary and catches the oocyte , after the oocyte enters into the fallopian tube , it enters into the ampulla with the help of peristaltic movement and ciliary movement , it propels the oocyte through the fallopian tube to towards the uterus. Now let us come to the parts of the fallopian tube : isthmus which is the narrow part and the narrowest part which is the intramural part and ampulla which is widest part ,which is the common site of fertilization and ectopic pregnancies .
Now let us come to know about the Epitheliums:
Fallopian tube has ciliates columnar Epithelium ,Vulva has squamous epithelium and vagina has stratified squamous epithelium , the surface of the cervix has squamous epithelium and the endometrium has columnar epithelium which has microvilli.
Let us come to know about the isthmus that is the opening of the cervix , the length is 0.5cm In a non pregnant lady and during pregnancy at term in labor , it gets stretched upto 7 cm and it becomes the lower segment, it helps the baby to move down by lower segment relaxation and upper segment contraction , it is a ring formation between the lower segment and the upper segment which is called physiological retraction ring and it is also felt during per vaginal examination. In case of obstructive labor the uterus contracts but the head doesn’t move downwards, upper segment bulges and goes up , it is also felt in both per vaginal and per abdominal examination , this is what we have known in this video , see you in the next video , Thank you !

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