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10. Dysmenorrhea
Hi guys I am back with another video , in this video about Dysmenorrhea, so what is Dysmenorrhea ?
Dysmenorrhea is the pain during periods , it starts half an hour prior to the onset of periods . It stays 10 hours post onset , it is also the classical pain of the periods . This is also called spasmodic or primary dysmenorrhea . Now let us know about the secondary dysmenorrhea , this pain starts three to four days prior and remains throughout the cycle . This is also known as congestive dysmenorrhea and it is secondary to PID and endometriosis. Now let us come to know about the membranous Dysmenorrhea , what is this ? So we can see that the menstrual blood is fluid in nature and why is that ? This is because due to the presence of uterine fibrinolysins , why it doesn’t clot ? And if there is a lack of the uterine fibrinolysins then the endometrium will shed like a cast , and it is really and extremely painful .
Membranous Dysmenorrhea
Now let us know about the treatment and how do we manage or treat it ?
.The first one is first line drugs That is NSAID + Ibuprofen/Naproxen/Mefenamic acid
.the second one is Antispasmodic which includes Dicyclomine and Drotaverine .
.the third one is combined OCPs which induce anovulatory cycles which in turn reduces pain during menstruation
.the fourth one is dilate the cervix under anesthesia by using Hegar dilators.
.the fifth one is GnRH analogues which is in depot form and down regulation of pituitary to stop periods
.the last one is presacral nerve ablation by laser or thermal methods , laparoscopic uterosacral nerve ablation which is also called LUNA. This is what we’ve known in this topic , see you in the next video . Thank you !