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What is labor ?
Labor is defined as the series of events that takes place in the genital organs in order to expel the viable products of conception like placenta , membranes and fetus to the outer world through the vagina
What are the Criteria for normal labor ? also called Eutocia
spontaneous in onset at term , vertex presentation, no prolongation .
Any kind of deviation that happens from normal labor is called abnormal labor
What is true labor pain ?
True labor pain is when the intensity , duration and frequency of the uterine contraction increases with the time of pregnancy .
What are the other ways we can determine if it’s a true labor pain or a false labor pain ?
The first one is the progressive dilation or the defacement of cervix which means opening of the cervical canal .
The second one is the appearance of show which means that the mucoid plug mixes with the blood coming through the vagina .
The third one is decent of head which means the fetus is coming down .
The fourth one is the appearance of bag of forewaters , forewaters is the part of amniotic fluid which is below the head of the fetus or below the presenting part .
Now I very well know this question arises how to differentiate between the true labor pain and false labor pain ?
So in this case we have to remember the first three parameters that we have discussed in true labor pain
Intensity , duration and the frequency .
So if these three parameters are not happening at regular intervals or if they’re not increasing at the time of pregnancy ,
Then we can say that particular pain is false labor pain.
So this is what it is , Thank you !