Substantive Criminal Law-E-Pathshala video Links Unique Visitors 14203 Page Views 22243 1.Introduction to Criminal Law & Criminal Justice 2.Concept of Deviance and Crime 3. Explanations of Crime and Criminality 4. Group Liability in the Indian Penal Code: Common Intention & Common Object 5.Culpable Homicide Amounting to Murder 6.Exceptions to Murder 7.Negligence Homicide section 304 A 8.Hurt & Grievous Hurt, including Acid Attacks 9.Aggravated Rape 10. Non Penetrative Sexual Acts 11.Rape 12.Section 377 13.Kidnapping and Abduction in Criminal Law 14.Laws Relating to Dowry [DP Act and Section 304B, IPC] 15.Law relating to Domestic Violence in India 16.Theft, Extortion, Robbery and Dacoity 17.Criminal Misappropriation, Criminal Breach of Trust and Receiving Stolen Properties 18.Criminal Conspiracy 19.Sedition and other Offences against the State 20.Abetment(including abetment to commit suicide) 21.Attempts (including attempt to murder) 22.Mistake of Fact, Mistake of Law, Infancy, Accident and Necessity as Defenses 23.Insanity and Intoxication as Exceptions to Criminal Liability 24.Right of Private defense of body or property 25.Corporate Criminal Liability 26.Cyber Crime 27.Law on Prevention of Atrocities against SCs and STs